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Current Openings



    Other Openings

    We are always looking for good job candidates. In general, our ideal employees have an accurate and mature understanding of themselves within the world. They have a genuine care for people and a heart position that is focused outwardly. We also appreciate a propensity towards cleanliness and order, self starters and those with an adventurous spirit. 


    About Fika

    Fika is a seasonal business meaning we have a huge swing in business whether it’s the cafe, online or wholesale. In the summer time we may have 4-5 full time employees and 3 part time employees, while in the winter months it drops to 2 full time and 2-4 part time. 

    One of the primary goals of Fika Coffee is to continue to grow the roasting side of the business and the amount of coffee we sell online and ship down Highway 61 to wholesale accounts. We believe that creating a quality product and shipping it, will be one of the keys for Fika to be a year round business that can support a handful of employees in a meaningful way.