Fika Coffee Blog
The Story Behind the Red-winged Blackbird
A few months ago, we wrote a blog post about one of our most commonly asked questions: what’s the best way to brew coffee? This...
A Year of Brew-Review
Happy New from all of us at Fika Coffee to all of you in the coffee drinking world! We figure there's no better way to start...
Take Your Fika to the Next Level
Hello Fika Coffee friends. I'm Amy, blog writer and enthusiastic coffee drinker for Fika Coffee. We're selling a new cookbook over in our Fika...
Bringing Fika to the Thanksgiving Table
My cousin used to sing a song that went like this “Thanksgiving is coming again. Thanksgiving is coming I know. Before Thanksgiving Day, the turkey...
Coffee In the Great Outdoors
Everybody’s gotta get away sometime, right? Vacate the present, possibly monotonous scene. Get a welcome change of scenery. Recharge the proverbial batteries. Well, here at...
A fika to last a lifetime. Or at least a weekend.
Serving superb coffee is a delight. Serving superb coffee in a beautiful outdoor setting is even better. Serving superb coffee in a beautiful outdoor setting...
Hello, How Do Ya' Brew?
One of the most common questions we get here at Fika Coffee is “How should I brew my coffee?” That’s a simple question with an...
Take a Walk on the Wild Side
My first job in coffee was during college when I got a part time job at a Dunn Bros in Roseville, MN. Dunn Bros is...
Welcome to Fika Coffee. Welcome to the new website. Welcome to the blog. Welcome to Grand Marais, MN. Please take a minute, grab yourself a...