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Fika Coffee Blog

Our Social Media Breakup: How 5 Months Without Social Media Changed our Business

We took a social media sabbatical this past summer. We didn't respond to messages, post on our wall/feed, advertise our products or reshare any photos. Here's what...

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The Farther North Shore

 In Autumn, as the land turns over with a final flourish of the years earthly beauty, we begin to face into the long white tapestry...

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Choosing a Coffee That's Right for You

Light roast or dark roast? Ethiopian or Guatemalan? How do you choose the coffee you drink? Are you choosing the coffee you like best? We...

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Getting to Know Us

Here at Fika Coffee, summer is the most exciting time of year. Not only is it the time of year when we get to make new connections...

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The Dark Future of Coffee

The future of coffee is not looking good - not for farmer, roasters or coffee consumers like you.

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Dreaming and Doing

As we approach seven years with our roaster and three years with our cafe, we'd like to invite you inside our business to take a look...

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The Breakup

I’m in the middle of a break up right now and it’s complicated. I’m breaking up with my (Fika’s) social media accounts...and it’s complicated. The...

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"Coffee is People" - Finca la Esperanza

Hesitant to move as if it would break the beauty of the moment, I stood speechless and still on the rooftop terrace of the Villatoro's...

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Why Fika Went to Lima, Peru

Twice a year Fika travels to countries where our coffee is grown.  We travel to coffee origins for a few reasons. One reason is to...

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