Fika Coffee Blog
The Importance of Highway 61
The North Shore is a beautiful place to live, but it is also incredibly challenging. Because of that, Highway 61 plays an integral role in...
Introducing: Congo Coffee
Participating in economic systems which support the well being of all participants is something which Fika strives for in our relationships to the coffee producing...
The Future: Shop Reopening
Reopening the Cafe Our Lutsen cafe will be opening back up on Thursday, June 4th. With the cafe opening back up, it kinda seems to...
Why you can't find your favorite coffee
A Commonly Asked Question A while back I received a great question from a Friend of Fika who subscribes to our coffee online. I want...
Time and Space
Have you ever seen a skein of yarn that gets into a mess and you are lucky enough to find one end of the yarn?...
Deep Gratitude
I’m thinking that we all will have a little more time on our hands to reflect on our life within this world, as the...
Across the Pond: Adventures in Sweden
A question that I have been asked several times over the last seven years is, “have you been to Sweden?” It’s a great question since...
Fika Coffee Illustrated in 2019 Stats
It has been a fun and rewarding year here at Fika Coffee. To let you in on it, we've created a compilation of stats to...
Growing Community over Lunch at Fika Coffee!
This November, from a concept inspired by Twenty Below Coffee Co. out of Fargo ND, Fika decided to try out a community lunch. What community lunch...